Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Purple Girl's Birthday

By popular demand (or at least a few demands), I've decided to "retroactively" post about my first experience with Owen Rowe Sharecroppers.  However, since my goal is to educate and not simply yammer on about my personal life, I'll take this opportunity to highlight DaVine Wine Bar in Maple Valley, Washington.

DaVine is located in Maple Valley, in the Wilderness Village shopping center.  Their slogan is that they "serve liquid memories" and after spending a few evenings there, I'd say their tag line holds true.  The owners and employees are warm and friendly, their menu reasonably priced and tasty, and the atmosphere is inviting.  They serve coffee in the morning, wine and beer in the evening and they frequently have special events such as wine tastings and live music.  With that being said, it seemed the perfect place for a glass of wine to celebrate my birthday.

In keeping with tradition, we decided to head out after Mother's Day Tea at Purple Son's preschool. I will admit that we had another birthday celebration planned for me the following weekend but given that my birthday either falls on or near Mother's Day every year, it seemed only fair to celebrate a few times.  As fate would have it, many of my Purple friends were busy that night so it left me, Manda, and a late arriving Melani to celebrate.

Late arriving is key to this story.  Manda and I picked out what is now a favorite - Owen Rowe's Sharecroppers.  You've seen the review in a recent post so I won't bore you with the details.  We also shared the Davine Trio - sun dried tomato hummus, artichoke spread, Parmesan-Romano dip coupled with bread and crackers.  Highly recommended for those of you local and able to enjoy DaVine sometime.  After an hour of fabulous conversation, good food and great wine, it seemed a shame for the night to end.  So after a quick text to Melani to confirm her anticipated arrival, we ordered a second bottle. 

Another hour of great conversation and our Purple friend was no where to be found.  And as the last drops of wine left the bottle, so did our plans for going home anytime soon.  All in all, it was a great night and probably many more hours of conversation than my poor friend Manda expected.  And, the next day, we were able to blame our unplanned headaches on our Purple friend Melani - who apparently fell asleep a wee bit early.

So here's a toast to DaVine... and just one of many liquid memories they served up that night!


Debi Austen said...

Keep your purple shoes in your car and if you experience a no-show purple friend in the future, you can just walk - er, crawl - home.

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